برای هومان

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


نمی فهمم يعنی چی که يکی تو يه خانواده ی درست و حسابی دنيا مياد و به جاهای درست و حسابی می رسه و يکی تو يه خانواده ی بدبخت دنيا مياد و به هيچ جا نمی رسه.


  • it's not that complex , there in the world , they usually pay for you based on your pocket , not your brain , and not your heart ...

    social level is a great barrier governments try so hard to keep, keeping people in their own level is such an effective method to control the public ....

    By Blogger Casperious, at 10/20/05, 10:27 PM  

  • I agree with what you said. but that is why we shouldn't have a child if:
    1. can't afford one
    2. don't like father or mother of the child
    3. can not educate him/her in foreseenable future!
    so, live together, get married however do not have a child. so, things will be different!
    glad you are having great marriage life. many congratulating to you.
    if you do not mind soon in next couple of days I add your weblog link to my own.

    By Blogger Alireza, at 10/21/05, 1:55 AM  

  • I really agree with u, Alireza!
    Thanks for adding my weblog link. :)

    By Blogger Maryam, at 10/22/05, 5:15 PM  

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