برای هومان

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Some Questions

What’s your vision? What’s your life purpose? Why are you living? What do you want to be?

خيلی سوالا هست که هنوز جوابشون رو پيدا نکردم و دلم می خواد بدونم بقيه چه جوابی واسشون دارن.

اگه می شه واسم بنويسين توی زندگی چه هدفی دارين، می خواين به کجا برسين، چی باعث می شه احساس کنين خوشبخت هستين؟

شايد جواب اين سوالا خيلی شخصی باشه، شايد هم مسخره به نظر برسن، اما اگه ممکنه بهشون جواب بدين.

I really need your answers! ;)


  • dearest dear,
    u r asking fundamental questios so let me think and I'll tell you my answers.
    I'm happy u write again.congratulations dear

    By Blogger Tarkhoon, at 10/11/05, 8:05 PM  

  • I think your questions are very fundament to every human being!!
    First I would recommend reading some philosophy books, start from Plato and go on! They are great brain stimuli. then what you do is great. you have found an aim in your life and makes you going!
    so, as you get older you find more about all these issues, keep it going.

    By Blogger Alireza, at 10/11/05, 8:07 PM  

  • Dear Maryam,
    These questions have engaged my mind several times and I am sure it’s the same for others. Every time they come back to me I start thinking about them for hours and in the course of my thought I find different answers to each of them and the more I think the more I get confused and deviated from the right answer. So here I tell you what flashed to my mind the first moment I read your questions. Success, it’s only a tangible success that can satisfy my sole. No matter in what it can always delight me.
    I think at this moment this is the answer I give to all your three questions.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/12/05, 12:38 AM  

  • Dear Nazbaroon & Alireza, thanks for your visit and comments.
    Thanks dear Anonymous(!). Success is a good comment, i belive it too.

    By Blogger Maryam, at 10/12/05, 10:23 AM  

  • mary joon hadafhaye too zendegi baraye man ziyadan , ba har hadafi koli hadafe dige shoroo mishe , vali hadafe man taghriban in boode ke betoonam ye ta'asire + roo kasi ya too zendegish bezaram , doost dashtam betoonam mo'jeze basham gahi baraye na omidi midooni, hamoon chizi ke khodam kheyli vaghtha khastam az khoda, amma be koja residan dige az oon soalas!!!hichhiking tahesh maloom nist ? hast? chon felan harja betoonim miresim!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/12/05, 10:48 AM  

  • Hi dear maryam,
    To answer your questions,
    I think the motive that every one has behind his/her way of life is erected by seeing or hearing of others' livings.
    Everyone with a special charachteristic, once is impressed by a special living of some one.
    but this is important that these admired people are usually outstanding in each kind, in their own way.
    (The impressed person sees the success, in a way that may end to success or failure)
    You know, I myself have the problem you mentioned. so I think of two completely different ways for my life:
    - To live alone, with my own rules,
    with just some friends not
    getting closer than a certain
    Then I can specialize my time to
    what I wish.
    - To live a common life.(A calm,
    and desirable one ofcourse).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/12/05, 12:20 PM  

  • آدمها 2 جورن ، آدمهای چوب لباسی و آدمهای آویزونه چوب لباسی .

    آدم های آویزون ، معمولا بالاخره یه آدم چوب لباسی ÷یدا میکنن که ازش الگو بگیرن و همه چیزشون رو از روی تجربه و رفتار اون تقلید کنند ...

    ولی جوب لباسی ها .............

    By Blogger Casperious, at 10/14/05, 12:33 AM  

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